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SORCERY - Arrival at Six
Banda:   SORCERY
Título: Arrival at Six
CAT. #: XM 120 CD/LP
Formato: CD/LP [42:12]
Estilo: Death Metal
Edición: 01.2013
1. We Who Walk Among the Dead
2. Created from Darkness and Rage
3. Master of the Chains
4. United Satanic Alliance
5. Arrival at Six
6. Warbringer
7. Maculated Life
8. Beyond the Wall
9. Reborn Through Hate
El poderoso retorno de ésta legendaria banda sueca de Death Metal!! Más de 20 años después de su clásico album debut, están de vuelta para mostrarnos lo auténtico!! Aquí no hay burdas imitaciones, SORCERY son unos de los padres del denominado Death Metal Sueco!!
Stereogum.com (usa) 30.12.2013
Metal loves a good resurrection story, and 2013 was a banner year in that regard. Carcass, Gorguts, Satan … each reunited and crushed reasonable expectations. Way back in January, at a time when hardly anyone had an ear out for new music, forgotten death metal gods Sorcery did the same thing, though hardly anyone noticed. But dull rumblings from the murk of the metal-blog world began to circulate: A band hardly anyone remembered came crawling back to life and dropped a fucking monster of an album… Sorcery originally formed in 1986, predating the majority of the Swedish scene by at least a year, issuing a string of semi-legendary demos followed by a single, stellar full-length in 1991. Failing to gain traction, the band fell apart and faded into memory. None of this would matter except for the fact that the early material is fucking gold, and their 2013 comeback is even better. Sorcery always excelled at the kind of hook-laden tremolo riffs that Dismember used to such brilliant effect on their earliest stuff, and that’s what they give us here. Strange as it is, few modern bands can replicate that specific feel, usually opting to chase the chunky rhythm guitar sound and d-beat drumming instead — but the second you hear the quality of Sorcery’s riffing, it’s unmistakable. Swedish death metal comes at us from every angle nowadays, from OSDM throwbacks to hardcore bands co-opting the tones (if not the tunes) — but the best stuff, as evidenced here, remains explosive.
Aaron Lariviere
From Beyond Metal Fanzine ((spa)) 29.03.2013
Después de publicar unos muy interesantes demos en los ochenta mas concretamente a partir del 1985 y con una ausencia poco mas de una década desde su "Bloodchilling Tales", estamos refiriéndonos a una de las referencias de la primera oleada de death metal sueco. Aun se mantienen activos, vociferando blasfemias y vomitando metal del bueno, es admirable en Sorcery su propuesta y sus ganas de hacer música honesta y sin paliativos dulces y enfilados a una tendencia por solo complacer audiencias, por supuesto esto suele pasar mucho en algunos revival, la nostalgia, las ganas de volver, el querer descargar de nuevo y otros factores hacen que esto valga mas que la simple razón de complacer a otros y solo complacencia a si mismos, allí esta el hecho de Sorcery, cuando en la actualidad muchas bandas de adolescentes tratan de emular lo que fue y jamas vivieron, solo eso queda en el recuerdo efímero instantáneo y olvidadizo de momento y no para la posteridad. Sorcery, se mueve en la dirección que siempre han sabido tener, guitarras afiladas y voces rugosas y un buen puñado de entretenidas y malévolas notas en la mas pura escuela sueca, Xtreeme Music como siempre suele suceder y desentrañando el polvo olvidado, nos regala este gran disco del que realmente estamos muy a gusto, son 9 himnos, 9 odas, 9 maldiciones, apúntate en este viaje.
Heavy Metal Tribune Webzine ((sin)) 25.03.2013
Sorcery are anything but newcomers to Swedish death metal, with the band forming all the way back in the early days of extreme metal in 1986, before disbanding after just one full length album in 1997. The band marks their comeback this year with their brand new album, Arrival at Six, their first album in more than 15 years, and is an album that fans of old school Swedish death metal have certainly been waiting for.

Like many of the old school Swedish death metal revivalists, Sorcery fortunately retains that old school touch in their musicality on Arrival at Six. The band hits fast and hard on the listener right from the starting riffs of We Who Walk Among the Dead, and immediately the influences from early Swedish bands such as Entombed are clear, with the abrasive guitar tones and the d-beat style of drumming that Steinfaust utilises for quite a large part of the record. At the same time, the way the music on Arrival at Six is executed easily reminds one of records such as Dismember‘s Like an Ever Flowing Stream, in the high presence of rather melodic lead guitars and riffs that are on the album. Vocalist Ola’s style is even rather similar to Matti’s sounding like a hybrid gruff growl/shout.

There is not slowing down the band, as the record blazes through for the most part, and drummer Steinfaust provides lots of the energy on the album with his energetic style, be it the traditional death metal blasting or the more punkish d-beats on the album. Even on the few slower moments on the album, the band ensures that the intensity is not reduced, replacing their speed with even more heaviness, and moments like these easily reminds one of bands like Asphyx, such a the mid-paced Master of the Chains.

Throughout the record also, the band manages to retain that haunting atmosphere that genre has come to be known for, and things like the usage of sound effects such as the tolling of the bells, and the ominous lead guitar lines of Paul all make the experience of Arrival at Six feel as though one were trapped in the midst of a horror story.

This is Swedish old school death metal raw and dirty, the way that it is meant to be played. 12 years of hiatus has definitely not slowed Sorcery down one bit, and Arrival at Six is certainly an instant classic specimen of the genre.
Eternal Terror Webzine (ger) 18.03.2013
Sorcery are back! Are you sure? Is it not another swedish band who call them self Sorcery and play old school death metal? No, it´s the real deal! The cult band who released "Bloodchilling Tales" back in 1991 and then went under the radar since.

They signed with Xtreem Records and are now in focus again with their properly entitled follow up "Arrival At Six". What about their music, is it still true swedish death metal ala early Entombed and so on? Yes, but this sounds more like "Wolverine Blues". Is it any good then? After a couple of spins I finally got into it, it took some time to adjust but now I really dig the album, both for the vocal and also for the intensity they deliver. It´s full speed agression with an intelligent way of conducting themself. It actually sounds very mature. What about the songs then? The songs are pretty straigth forward, not to technical but with a ton of said agression and the arrangements works pretty well. Production wise then, any complains? No fancy output, just pure old school metal, nuff said.

Will you recommend Sorcery to those who missed them back in 91? Yes, if you like "Wolverine Blue" you will for sure enjoy "Arrival At Six". Those who dont, go to school and learn to. This is metal music for the history books to come.
Jørgen Garmann [5/6]
Trueno Metálico Webzine (spa) 15.03.2013
Podríamos decir que SORCERY es una banda de culto dentro del género old school death metal sueco, y eso a pesar de tener tan sólo dos trabajos de estudio en el mercado, una banda cuyo origen se remonta allá por 1987 con la demo “The Arrival”, aunque no fue hasta el 91 cuando debutaron con “Bloodchilling Tales”.

22 años después regresan con su sucesor “Arrival At Six”, aunque el año pasado, antes de editar este mismo trabajo, mostraron al mundo lo que sería su nuevo largo y ofrecieron tres cortes de este en una demo de nombre “Warbringer”.

Muchos años han transcurrido, y la banda parece más firme que nunca dispuestos a sembrar el caos como ya lo hicieran con su debut, comandados por el guitarra Paul Johansson y el vocalista Ola Malmström, habiendo adoptado a dos nuevos componentes en 2011 como son N.Sadist al bajo y Steinfaust a la batería, los suecos SORCERY nos demuestran en apenas 40 minutos, como se debe hacer death metal clásico de toda la vida, sin entrar en terrenos pantanosos, o sin tener que subirse por las ramas.

Directo, grueso, contagioso y repleto de una capa somnolienta donde deambulan como verdaderos reyes del old school más oscuro y dinámico, todo ello sin tener que copiar de nadie, elaborando su propio sonido y con estribillos que se te meten en la cabeza desde la primera escucha y que siguen machacándote la sesera como el que no quiere la cosa, es imposible obviar cortes como “Master Of The Chains” donde el ritmo bobalicón y vertiginoso, va comiéndose el terreno con un temple inusitado, las estresantes guitarras repletas de atmósferas siniestras, apoyan la ferviente sucesión de ritmos con los que nos encontramos en el plástico; es más, “United Satanic Alliance” se prepara para el funeral marcando las dosis pertinentes de furia, destrucción y sonidos cavernosos envueltos en una malvada aura, tal cual podemos ver en el atrayente artwork, que define a la perfección el aroma tan atmosférico y terrorífico que contiene el disco.

El hecho de sonar demasiado cargado, no lo hace aburrido, los fervientes amantes del género death de toda la vida, van a disfrutar de lo lindo. La alegría se mete entre los dientes, al escuchar los placajes de su baterista a merced de la estresante ejecución del bajo apoyando el incansable desliz de la guitarra, “Arrival at Six” da buena muestra de ello, ese sonido viejo a la vez que rejuvenecido me recuerda a los americanos AUTOPSY, en ocasiones cortes como “Warbringer”, por la fuerza de sus riffs y la velocidad encarnizada se desliga del death más atronador para traer pequeños y turbulentos matices del thrash metal a lo SLAYER, le sigue “Maculated Life” otro pepinazo que te despluma desde los primeros compases con una ráfaga de intensidad capaz de devorarte lentamente, de lo mejorcito del álbum sin duda;

Por otro lado, “Beyond The Wall” aplaca a las fieras con su templanza, más “Reborn Through Hate” se retuerce entre los excrementos de la muchedumbre, preciso y enfermizo final que pone de manifiesto el regreso tan espectacular de los Suecos a manos de Xtreem Music, que una vez más vuelve a apostar alto por esos viejos demonios; resucitando así lo mejorcito del género. Altamente recomendado.
Francisco Román Valverde [8.5/10]
Necromance Webmagazine (spa) 13.03.2013
Otro gran regreso a la escena extrema, este es el caso de los legendarios SORCERY, banda sueca que podemos recordar por su excelente álbum debut en el año 1991 titulado “Bloodchilling tales”, un trabajo grabado en los famosos Sunlight Estudios con Thomas Skogsberg a la producción; tras ello la banda entró en un devenir de entradas y salidas en la formación que los llevó a desaparecer en cel año 1997; entrados en el año 2009, la banda decidió reemprender el viaje, editando un recopilatorio con todas sus demos agrupadas en “Unholy creations”. El 2012 fue un buen año para ellos, pues ficharon con el sello español Xtreem Music, para la edición de este “Arrival at six” a principios del 2013, su 2º trabajo que, tras tantos años, continua donde los dejaron con “Bloodchilling tales”, es decir, ofreciendo a los fans un death metal de alto calibre, con ese sonido 100% old school sueco, ese sonido que todos recordamos de grupos como Grave, Entombed, Desultory, Dismember y, porqué no, de SORCERY. Han venido a reclamar su posición en la escena trayendo consigo 9 temas donde se refleja su pasión a la hora de componer por intensos y crudos riffs, un bajo que acentua el sonido de la banda con ese sonido grave potente, guitarras distorsionadas con la clásica afinación baja con influencias del sonido de las bandas anteriormente citadas pero con el añadido de un toque más oscuro y pesado que proviene del sonido de los Autopsy (solo hay que escuchar el tema “Created From Darkness and Rage”, con medio tiempo arrollador y riffs memorables); los temas suenan realmente demoledores y directos con estructuras no demasiado enrevesadas y complejas ya que más bien lo que pretenden es ofrecer caña sin tapujos y bien ejecutada. “Arrival at six” es un producto más que recomendable si eres de los que se considera seguidor del death sueco de la vieja escuela.
David Déniz [8.5/10]
ZwareMetalen.com (hol) 07.03.2013
In het verleden bracht Sorcery vier demo's en in 1991 een volledige cd (Bloodchilling Tales) uit. Hierna werd de band in 1997 ontbonden. In 2009 wordt vervolgens een doorstart gemaakt en nu verschijnt de tweede volledige cd van deze Zweden.

Sorcery levert met Arrival At Six een puike death metal-plaat af die sterk doet denken aan Autopsy maar dan wat meer uptempo. Ook genre-genoten als Entombed en Dismember lijken een belangrijke bron van inspiratie te zijn geweest. Er staan een aantal beukers van formaat op. Direct vanaf de aftrap in de vorm van We Who Walk Among The Dead geeft de band zijn visitekaartje af. Het knalt, beukt en is nietsontziend. De sound is ongepolijst en past daarmee perfect bij de stijl die de vier heren hanteren.

United Satanic Alliance kan doorgaan voor het lijflied van deze heren. Brutaal maar effectief knalt dit nummer uit de speakers. Op drumgebied gebeurt er op deze cd vrij weinig in die zin dat dhr. Steinfaust begrijpt dat je niet elke riff hoeft dicht te timmeren met roffels maar dat een dubbele-bass met een simpele beat volstaat om het geheel samenhangend te laten klinken.

Slechte tracks ben ik na beluistering niet tegengekomen. Echte hoogtepunten ook niet. Het doel lijkt te zijn de luisteraar murw te beuken met negen welgemikte slagen. Dat doel is wat mij betreft bereikt.

Als je graag naar old school death metal luistert dan kun je Sorcery er rustig eens bij pakken. Als je al geen liefhebber bent van het genre dan zul je het na beluistering van Arrival At Six niet worden.
Clemens Schaap [75/100]
Lords of Metal Webzine (hol) 25.02.2013
Sorcery initially formed in 1986 and released three demos in the 80s. In 1990 Frances Thrash Records released the 7 inch Rivers Of The Dead. A year later the full-length album Bloodchilling Tales came out on Underground Records but a year after that the band called it quits. Sorcery is one of the oldest Swedish death metal bands but in the heydays of the genre it went wrong. Their sole album has been re-released many times, often with different bonus tracks. In 2009 the band reformed ands a new demo was recorded, in 2012 another demo was recorded and now the second full-length has been released, 22 years after the release of the debut. Arrival At Six sounds like a typical Swedish death metal album. For the production of the album the band used the skills of Tomas Skogsberg and his Sunlight Studio. The music itself is great too. Swedish death metal like it should be. The striking factor is the voice of Ola Malmström. He has no typical death grunt but as far as Im concerned he is somewhere between L.G. Petrov of Entombed and Lemmy of Motörhead. Balancing more towards Petrov if I may add. Theyre not reinventing the wheel but fans of Swedish death metal can get this without any doubt.
Pim B. [81/100]
Brutalism.com (hol) 25.02.2013
As time goes by, the evolution in everything is obvious! The music business couldn't be left aside. Playing music nowadays and recording it becomes easier and easier almost a joke when it comes to hardware! Of course the demand to keep up when it comes in instrument abilities has become bigger as the new age musicians now better! But there are some bands that can't just get that to their skull. Musical evolution and crap? Fuck that! When it comes to music for them everything gets simple! Low tuned instruments, groovy rhythms a growler that rips his throat off, a 6 pack of beers and off we go! For those who are unaware, Sorcery is one of the oldest Swedish death metal bands! Their first demo came out at 1987 and their very first full length at 1991! Excellent stuff if I may do so, but after that followed a break of almost 17 years. Those ancient brutal beasts got back together on 2009 and after two demos and a compilation, released their second full on 2013! Like I said above..

Sorcery don't give a crap about evolution and stuff like that! They just carried on from where they left the whole thing back in 1991! The whole nightmare starts from the cover. It really couldn't be better. Old school to the bone. The ghost train that comes out of the skeleton mountain , all in a misty surrounding, reminds of old horror movies and stuff like that and gets you in the proper mood. So are you ready for some old school brutal death metal the way they do it in Sweden? Let's start then. "Arrival At Six" is as you understood from the above bullshit I was sayin, a bass dominated record! A bulldozer bass. Fat sound and a steady performance that destroys every gentle ear drum in an area larger than 10,000 kilometers! Of course the guitar themes it covers couldn't be less than awesome! A real tribute to the old days, when a drummer's job in a death metal band was only to give a steady rhythm behind the track, that would make people wanna loosen their neck screws for a more efficient headbanging! That spirit is here intact. It is like a day hasn't passed from 1991 for these crazed lunatics!

Another amazing thing about this album is, the passion this band can provide us with! I'm tellin ya, it is astonishing! It is like some wild kids from the street grabbed instruments and started kicking off death metal hell! As the hearing of "Arrival At Six" progresses it is getting even clearer that this guys weren't just dropped in a studio. Each one of them was unleashed in the studio, fed with tons of Kerosene and got beaten until he went crazy! Oke, a little graphic description but once you get your ears to this, you will almost definitely have the same opinion. Old school brutality delivered the way only Sorcery knows. Those veterans really outdid themselves. "Arrival At Six" is definitely the release I would recommend to someone who worships Entombed, Carnage, Unleashed and stuff like that! Nothing more. Just grab it some way. I don't know, rob a bank or something. You can't miss that one.
Andy Christos [4/5]
NGLM Metal Webzine (spa) 08.02.2013
Sonidos death metaleros nos llegan desde Suecia, la banda Sorcery, nos presenta bajo el sello de Xtreem Music su obra “Arrival At Six”. Hemos tenido que esperar casi una década a que se decidieran a lanzar un nuevo álbum, ya que tras su “Bloodchilling Tales” (1991) únicamente habían editado una serie de demos y una compilación.

La formación capitaneada por Paul Johansson, (guitarra actual, aunque fue también batería e incluso bajista) y Ola Malmström, nos ofrecen una antología de temas con una tematica bien definida: oscuridad, brutalidad y anticristianismo, todo ello envuelto en un Death Metal proveniente de la escuela nórdica; marchamo de calidad.

El sonido de la banda´, está influenciado por grupos como Dismember, Entombed incluso unos Venom primigenios. Su Death Metal es Old School, cumplen a la perfección los parametros que debe ejecutar una banda de estas caracteristicas, percusión rápida con un domimante uso del doble pedal, guitarras distorsionadas con afinación baja, y los growls característicos de este género; aunque aquí la voz de Ola, no es la típica a la que estamos acostumbrados en estas obras, me recuerda más a Cronos (Venom), una tesitura vocal mas rasgada que gutural, lo que le da a la banda un sello propio.

En el álbum nos vamos a encontrar una combinación de temas, totalmente brutales y speedicos, con otros no menos agresivos, pero de una mayor lentitud, rozando el doom en lo que a la lentitud se refiere.

Temas brutales, despiadados y electrizantes son “We Who Walk Among the Dead”, donde los cambios de ritmo se suceden, y la velocidad de las guitarras son realmente vertigionosas. “Master of Chains” uno de los mejores cortes del disco, donde el grupo desarrolla todo su buen hacer, y la base rítmica ejerce una labor encomiable, con una potencia que hace que el tema , sea incluso algo pegadizo, o “United Satanic Alliance” corte de comienzo lento que explota en Death Metal de tomo y lomo.

De tendencia más lenta como hemos comentado antes, se nos presentan temas de inspiración a lo Black Sabbath como, “Created from Darkness and Rage” ,con riffs lentos y parsimoniosos, que hubiera firmado Iommi, o la densa “Arrival at Six” donde el bajo de N.Sadist aplasta todo lo que se pone a su paso.

Si te gusta el Death Metal de escuela sueca, este es tu disco, mereció la pena esperar tanto tiempo.
Antonio Mautor [7/10]
Battle Helm Webzine (GER) 30.01.2013
OK, it doesn’t get more classical than this. This is the real deal. This is the heritage of Swedish death metal. SORCERY were there in the beginning. They had everything going for them and then nothing. It pretty much died out. Now they are back with a new album 20 plus years later. Will they be able to bring something worthwhile to the death metal scene with this album? It does start on a high note with a blast of youthful exuberance although they are in my age bracket. But it just goes to show that were there is a will there is a way. And it continues that way. This is high level energy metal. It might even be so that this is the follow up album to “Bloodchilling Tales” (well it is isn’t it?) that should have come out in the 90s. if you liked SORCERY back in the days you’ll gonna like this too.
Anders Ekdahl
CosmosGaming.com (usa) 26.01.2013
Considering how many Swedish death metal bands imploded after a handful of demos and an album, it’s a miracle that enough kept on going to lead long running careers. But despite the number of groups that broke up in the mid to late 90s, there have been plenty of reunions over the last five years as the originators of the style give it another go. Sorcery was one of the bands that were there near the beginning, as they formed in 1986 and after a bunch of demo releases put out Bloodchilling Tales in 1991 before eventually fading away. In 2009 the group resurfaced with a new demo and slightly tweaked lineup, and over three years later they have put the finishing touches on a new full length entitled Arrival at Six. It’s a release that takes the traditional Swedish death metal sound, wraps it in a modern production, and goes for strong songwriting and as a result this is a worthy comeback effort.

Sorcery’s current lineup includes their original vocalist and guitarist and introduces a new bassist and drummer into the mix, but this doesn’t prevent them from channeling the old school sound on Arrival at Six. Rather than trying to recreate the 90s sound like some of the other reunited death metal bands have these guys instead chose to go for a modern and polished style that retains the intense low tones the instrumentals had before while giving a crisp and clear sound. It works quite well, and is able to highlight the guitar leads rather than turning the entire effort into a wall of sound where it’s hard to pick out individual tracks. When it comes to killer riffs Sorcery has got them, as there’s a nice balance between slower, chugging riffs and faster assaults and no matter which speed the band is going the material has plenty of moments that will grab listeners. These guys continue to do the style justice, and while they pull from familiar elements it helps that the instrumentals pull from the entire spectrum rather than going for one speed the entire time like so many groups tend to.

Ola Malmstrom has been with the band since 1986 but his vocal style has changed a bit since Bloodchilling Tales and isn’t quite as raspy as before. His particular style is one that I enjoy quite a bit in death metal, as it’s a growl that is low pitched but done in a way that the lyrical content is still completely audible. It’s the same style that vocalists like King Fowley and others have employed, and Malmstrom has always been able to do it with the same level of intensity as his peers. However, the big difference on Arrival at Six is that the clearer sound really helps to bring out the vocals even more and they often tower over the arrangements. This is one of the main reasons that I kept returning to this effort, and even after all these years the vocals haven’t lost their edge.

Sorcery has returned with a vengeance, and it feels like they really tried to push their sound forward rather than simply relying on underground notoriety from the 90s. It’s too early in the year to truly know where Arrival at Six will stand among the other death metal albums that will be released in 2013, but there are plenty of strong leads that will keep listeners returning in the months to come. Swedish death metal and bands imitating the sound may be everywhere right now, but Sorcery’s still a worthy representation of how to do the style well.
Chris Dahlberg
Metal Psalter Webzine (USA) 23.01.2013
I'll go on record saying I think one of the better Swedish death metal albums back in “my day” was Sorcery's debut full-length, Bloodchilling Tales way, way back in 1991. It was absolutely rife with that “textbook” Swedish sound made famous by Grave, Unleashed and Desultory, to name a sparse few. While severely unpolished, it remains one I grab when I'm feeling that need for cold, unmitigated death metal.

That said, it's been, oh, two decades-plus since we've seen a full-length from these Swedish boys bent on bringing death to the lulled masses. Arrival at Six takes no easy way in and literally smashes into your ears with “We Who Walk Among the Dead”, a classic Swedish sounding foray into the horror that was that beautiful sound. Infinitely more polished with modern devices and tools, the primitive and thin sound of old is thicker and bolder, lending total credence to the notion that 20-years between albums hasn't dulled the senses of these guys. That sickening guitar tone, part and parcel with the era and region, is ever-present and as potent today as it was during that brutal period.

A band like Sorcery, one might opine, is riding the recent resurgence of that antiquated sound, and one might be correct. However, bear in mind that these guys once held rank in that esteemed club, and the time between hasn't exactly seen total dormancy. With a couple of demos and a compilation Sorcery has picked up where it left off and found a home once more in the dank and dismal recesses of death metal greatness.

The vocals are that familiar gruff bellowing, and it truly wouldn't resound well any other way. Ola Malmstrom sounds even more volatile and angry on tracks like “Master of the Chains” or “Warbringer” as he did on “Legacy of Blood” or “Death” back in the day. There is something so drawing about this sound, especially when done by masters of the genre like Dismember or early Entombed. Sorcery, however, claims its own spot in the pantheon of putrid perfection with Arrival at Six; this album, for all of its polish and tweaking, stands among the best of the modern day genre because, quite honestly, it's brutally effective at charging the blood in a mad rush through the body when hearing it. There isn't one weak track on here, and, surprisingly, not one track meshes into another with typical affinity towards repetitiveness. The signature sound remains throughout, but the tone of each song is different and equally heavy. “United Satanic Alliance” is just Swedish brilliance all over, reading like a post-Cronos Venom on a speedball diet. This familiarity is most welcome, particularly when it comes from one of the bands from the early movement that spread over Europe like a wonderful cancer, infecting and destroying healthy cells and decimating lives along the way. For once, such a metaphoric illusion works well.

I was ecstatic to hear that Sorcery was releasing the long-awaited second record; even with slight reservations and even fears in mind, I held out hope that the Swedes would know exactly what not to do when reclaiming a spot in the coveted history of that country's brilliant death metal underground. I was not only happily surprised, but doubly impressed and made subservient to a sound that I find most agreeable today with my old-world preferences.

This is a must-hear for '13 so far.
Chris [4.5/5]
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La veterana banda sueca RIBSPREADER acaba de revelar el arte de la portada, tracklist y 1er single de su 7º álbum "The Van Murders - Part 2", que será lanzado el 6 de Junio por Xtreem...
CARNIFEX (fin) 11.4.2018
La banda finlandesa de Death Metal CARNIFEX, no esa banda americana de horrible Deathcore de moda, ver´s todas sus demos del '91 al '93 oficialmente re-editadas en CD a través de Xtreem Music bajo el...
La banda brasileña de Black/Thrash GOAT WORSHIP, formada por un sólo miembro, está lista para lanzar su 2º álbum completo "Shore of the Dead" el próximo mes de Abril a través de Xtreem...
Los legendarios Deathmetaleros de Florica KILLING ADDICTION están a punto de ver su clásico álbum debut "Omega Factor" re-editado el próximo 9 de Marzo a través de Xtreem Music. Fue también un 9 de...