Vinyl version of the 1st album from '16 by this band formed by Rogga Johansson from PAGANIZER and Bob Bagchus from SOULBURN/ ex-ASPHYX, accompanied by members from HAIL OF BULLETS & GOD MACABRE where they play a heavy Death/ Doom with influences in the vein of early CATHEDRAL, CELTIC FROST, ASPHYX, WINTER, HOODE MENACE...
Vinyl version of the 1st album from '14 by this german band that plays a Stoner/ Doom with influences in the vein of BLACK SABBATH, PENTAGRAM, COUNT RAVEN...
Vinyl ersion in 2-LP with gatefold cover of the 10th album from '18 by this great british band that plays a majestic and dark Doom/ Death with influences from very early MY DYING BRIDE, SEPTIC FLESH, PARADISE LOST...